The systems of DOMICO offer the architect an enormous scope in terms of design and color scheme. Through the possibility of deconstruction and reusability, as well as recyclability, the aspect of economic construction is taken into account.

Ulrich Schäfer planwerk zt gmbh
  • Projekt
    Bezirkskrankenhaus Schwaz

  • Architekt
    planwerk zt gmbh

  • Produkt
    2.400 m² Planum 32 VO, NCS S1002B matt

  • Verarbeiter
    TKSA GmbH

  • Fotos
    © Andreas Tauber - FlipFlop Collective

The seeming character of a 70s prefabricated concrete building was to be discarded and a modern, contemporary façade was to be created. Numerous factors came into play in the choice of material for the new facade. Among other things, the low dead weight, weather resistance, fire resistance, durability and recyclability were the main points that led to an aluminum facade. To meet the design of the new facade with the elongated elements, the choice was Domico Planum facade.

The existing south-facing perforated facade was visually divided into window bands, west- and north-facing the opening was retained due to the protection of the local image.
The base floor (G01) and the technical floor (G5) were provided with a dark plaster facade, which takes the building visually in height. The rear-ventilated aluminum façade (G0 to G4) was executed in a light color in reference to the adjacent existing building. The horizontal articulation and the play of shadow gaps give the building dynamism and a modern appearance.

The building envelope of the bed sections 1+2 were virtually restored to their shell condition. The original prefabricated concrete elements in the area of the facades were largely demolished and the existing masonry exposed in its entirety. The roofs as well as the terraces were completely rebuilt and meet the state of the art with the new insulation thicknesses.
Since the renovation was carried out during ongoing operations, window replacement was one of the biggest challenges. In order not to restrict operations too much, the windows were replaced in stages. The bed floors were equipped with wooden aluminum windows and the base floor and the technical floor with aluminum windows. The triple insulating glazing and the sun protection not only saved energy but also considerably improved room comfort in the rooms.
The facade itself was wrapped in a new dress in the course of the renovation. Wrapped in mineral wool insulation, the light back-ventilated aluminum façade shines in new splendor. Adapted to the preliminary work, which progressed in stages, the aluminum façade with the additional sheet metal cladding of the balconies and canopies was completed as the final step. As a contrast to the actual building structure, the dark plastered plinth and technical floors step into the background.

The systems of DOMICO offer the architect an enormous scope in terms of design and color scheme. Through the possibility of deconstruction and reusability, as well as recyclability, the aspect of economic construction is taken into account.