• Projekt
    Rentschler Fill Solutions GmbH

  • Architekt
    HVW Henrich Veternik Walter ZT GmbH

  • Bauherr
    Rentschler Fill Solutions GmbH

  • Produkt
    640 m² Planum Fassade

  • Verarbeiter
    Kohler GmbH

  • Fotos
    Patrick Saely

The three essential functions of the company were accommodated in a coherent, homogeneous structure. The administration wing contains the offices and laboratories. The heart of the building is the production with the areas of preparation, material preparation, cleaning, sterilisation, filling and freeze-drying as well as technology. The logistics area completes the building.

The design concept of the strip façade is characterised by stretched and raised window strips and the ventilated metal façade Planum from DOMICO.
The continuously running bands underline the horizontal nature of the building and lend it a readable dynamic in its monolithic character.
The horizontal openings vary to the extent that lighting is required in the three building areas of administration, production and logistics.
A finely differentiated network of panel joints creates a discreet play, especially in the closed area of the façade.

The façade design and the arrangement of the windows connect the different areas, but still differentiate the structure in its appearance according to the different functions.